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Author Topic: Throttling in VMTA  (Read 109839 times)


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Throttling in VMTA
« on: January 28, 2013, 09:47:09 PM »


I have the following settings on my pmta config.

settings - 1
<domain hotmail.com>
 max-msg-rate 10/sec
 max-rcpt-per-message 100
 max-smtp-out 20

I have about 10 VirtualMTAs cofigured in it. So, Now, I'm going to make vmta level throttling. So, I think,

settings -2
<virtual-mta vmta1>
  max-smtp-msg-rate x/h
  max-smtp-out y

these settings will be enough.

1. So, if I include both the settings on my config, which one overrides the other and could you please tell me what would happen if a mail to hotmail domain comes to the system ? which settings have preference - domain level or vmta level ?

2. Also, is it possible to implement domain based delays within VMTA ? I think, we can do it by including settings-2 nested under <virtual-mta> definitions ?

3. If I implement the delay in the above way, will it affect the speed of incoming messages to PMTA ? I think no, but, please confirm.

Awaiting your kind reply.



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Re: Throttling in VMTA
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 10:41:39 PM »

1. The virtualMTA rate limit will be the ultimate cap. If maiil for hotmail domain comes into the system, it stays in the queue until delivered or bounced.  Caps set at the virtualMTA level will be the ultimate cap. 

2. Yes, you can have domain definitions within virtualMTAs.

3. The speed of incoming messages will not be delayed, unless/until your queue grows so large due to your various rate limiting settings that the machine gets resource constrained.