Yes pooling the best customers with some other best customers would help you.
There are different strategies on how to pool them,warmup and then dedicate them.
Here are some experiences :
Each pool/IP needs to be registered on a separate FBL address? Tried that on different providers like yahoo hotmail and didnt see any difference.They dont check FBL.
Do they need completely different domains the hostname/rDNS? This is yes.You might setup new customers on a seperate domain to see if they are good or bad guys.Then you can transfer them to your warmed-up reputable ips/domains.
Do they need different DKIM signatures? I dont think this matters.
Different domain in the Return-path: header (used for VERP bounce handling) Sure,if you change the mail from then you should change this,too.I have seen blocked mailfroms,domains,returnpaths.
Different domain in the Sender: header (used for authentication) Yes.