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Author Topic: PMTA API + Aws infraestructure.  (Read 55179 times)


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PMTA API + Aws infraestructure.
« on: April 20, 2018, 03:31:16 PM »

Hello There,

I have thought make infrastructure on AWS using PMTA (screencapture attached in this thread) but aws datacenter doesn't allow send emails using port 25. So, I have been thinking use the PMTA api but I have the following questions.

  • How do I to make the connection with pmta?
  • What port should I to use when I  make the connection via API?
  • Should I  connect to source IP?
  • Has Default PMTA installation API installed and usable?

What do you recommend to improve this project?

Thank you!

Jasdev Singh

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Re: PMTA API + Aws infraestructure.
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2018, 03:45:27 PM »

> aws datacenter doesn't allow send emails using port 25

Only an EC2 instance in AWS can send on port 25, but you may have to ask them to remove the block @ https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/ec2-port-25-throttle/

Question 1 - 3: You can first start by checking out section 7. Application Programming Interfaces in the user's guide. Knowing the bits and pieces first and then asking for help in that area may be more productive.

Question 4: Linux versions you will have to download additional Submission APIs package from https://download.port25.com/. It is already included with Windows builds for .Net



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Re: PMTA API + Aws infraestructure.
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2018, 04:27:46 PM »

> aws datacenter doesn't allow send emails using port 25

Only an EC2 instance in AWS can send on port 25, but you may have to ask them to remove the block @ https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/ec2-port-25-throttle/

Question 1 - 3: You can first start by checking out section 7. Application Programming Interfaces in the user's guide. Knowing the bits and pieces first and then asking for help in that area may be more productive.

Question 4: Linux versions you will have to download additional Submission APIs package from https://download.port25.com/. It is already included with Windows builds for .Net


Thank you, I forgot to say that our PMTA is outside of AWS but I want to use some Aws service that should reach it. So if My PMTA is outside of AWS, Can I reach it via API ? Is it necessary use Port 25 to work with API? Port SMTP is neccessary? Or only I need connect to the <source> using any programming language mentioned in PMTA manual section 7?

I have PMTA installed on Linux, So I will download the API content before start to work with it.

Thank you!
