We've just heard recently that SpamHaus is offering a Domain Block List starting March 1st that will be included in new versions of SpamAssassin, as well as being generally available to all postmasters to help block incoming spam.
http://www.spamhaus.org/dbl/That's great news for everyone who wants another way to block spam.
It also means that mailing outbound may change. For example, as ISPs are better able to target spam, throttling rates per IP may be adjusted and the need for mailing through multiple IPs could be diminished if not eliminated.
Has anyone heard of ISPs that already maintain domain-based reputation?
I've heard that AOL was working towards it. Did they implement it already?
Do we know which ISPs make use of SpamAssassin or the other SpamHaus RBLs?
It would be nice if Port25 could maintain a list of ISPs similar to which ones require DKIM, etc.