How does PMTA deal with bounce mails for the domains specified in "virtual-mta" ?
When I send a mail to a non-existing address with a "From" domain which is not in pmta config, I receive the bounced mail back to the "From" address account. But, when I send a mail to the same non-existing address with a "From" domain that is configured with pmta(as vmta), I am not receiving the mail on the "From" address account.
Pmta shows this bounce message on the account log - b,2012-09-20 11:08:02+0200,2012-09-20 11:08:02+0200,no-reply@abc.com,dsfsdfsd@sds12ds.com,,failed,5.1.2 (bad destination system: no such domain),,,bad-domain,smtp,(,,,,,,timta1,,,sds12ds.com/timta1 .
Here abc.com is a vmta.